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In all this region is to notice the presence of humans since the earliest ages. The archeological remains, from the Paleolithic until current time, confirm a continuous human presence, ex.: the Meada menhir, the Coureleiros megalithic necropolis, constructions with false dome and various dolmens.

Castelo de Vide has a very rich architectonic heritage. Expression of a past full of ups and downs, but keeping the signs of various occupations alive. The medieval borough, the castle, the S. Roque fort and the town-walls surrounding the town, the Jewish quarter, the medieval synagogue and the gothic doors and windows (14th $nbsp;? 16th $nbsp;centuries) all deserve to be mentioned. Nowadays they are a strong attraction for tourists, but the architectonic heritage of Castelo de Vide is also an $nbsp;iconic element to the identity of this town and its inhabitants. The population is 3400 inhabitants, and the local economy is based mainly on the tourism.

Castelo de Vide has a variable relief, the south is characterized by various elevations, the highest $nbsp;is 762m. North, in the greywacke schist complex area, the terrain becomes flatter with altimetric quotas between 290m and 320m.

Seasonal tributary streams are frequent and the main rivers (S. João, da Vide and de Nisa) irrigate the fields allowing some areas to have good levels of humidity almost the year-round , what enables the cultivation of different vegetable species and good pasturage areas.

In the subsoil are several deposits: copper, iron, lead and tungsten. The level quality of the water table allows sources and springs to emerge from the ground all over the Municipality, to notice are the properties of the medicinal mineral water (Vitalis) exploited in the south in the granite area and an important industry resource.

(By: Castelo de Vide Municipality Website)

For more useful information: http://www.castelodevide.pt/turismo/pt/